For those of you who don't know what this is about, this is part of my snarky feminist reviews against the horrendously sexist 'Plain Jane' makeover show. This is episode 2 (Jona 'No Risk Jane') part 2.
Former posts:
-Introduction on why I hate these kind of reality makeover shows
-Second episode (Jona 'No Risk Jane'): 1
- Previously on this episode (part 1): Jona is a girl who's labelled as a 'control freak' because she likes to be in charge of her life and stuff and that's obviously wrong and unfeminine (duh). She also needs help because her choice of clothing and her attitude towards hair and make-up aren't the normative limited set of 'options' required to be 'feminine', so she obviously won't be able to hook up with Entitled Boy (aka Jona's crush) unless this show's remarkably open-minded stylist helps her out. So Jona embarks on an empowering (not) quest in which she gets another person to organize a blind date with Entitled Boy for her, then stalks her crush in a library, and gets lectured about how studying, wearing casual clothes, not wearing make-up and wearing her hair up are the things barring her for getting a man in her life (wow, I know). Part 1 finished with one of the best examples of this show's dazzling display of logic and integrity, aka the 'face your phobia' experience, with Jona getting dragged off a flying plane (by creepy dudes who were enjoying her terror and lack of control a little bit too much) in order to finally be able to understand that going to a blind date with Entitled Boy wasn't that much of an ordeal. That's right, we need to enjoy a non-con scenario in order to muster our courage to go on a blind date. Such great advice, right?!
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We've just started with the 'Previously on this episode' and McGonagall is already so done |
But Jona's journey is not complete yet! That major example of the glorification of non-consent in the plane was not enough, because now she must also welcome invasive tactics, sexist stereotypes and double standards regarding her bedroom, wardrobe choices, interactions with other men and, finally, her hair and face. All of them necessary in order for Entitled Boy to be able to choose whether he wants her in his romantic life or not!
Because, believe it or not, this extensive mental brainwashing process and physical makeover does not automatically grant you a 2D boyfriend to please every day (must be like winning the lottery, that). No, there's always the chance he will turn you down, because his choices and freedom actually do matter, so there's also the additional tension and anguish about being rejected and loosing a friendship (because in this kind of shows friendship and a relationship with additional 'romantic' elements are like contradictory and completely different things). Life is never easy for women, this show teaches us! (but tremendously straightforward for men, apparently). And that's why we must always make such an effort to please the menz!
Back from the plane experience, in which Jona found the enlightenment that comes from a non-consensual, out-of-context situation, she and the stylist go back to Jona's house, in order to fully criticize the state of Jona's stereotypical 'Plain Jane' bedroom:
(in a posh voice) "I think that a home is a reflection of a person's life. So I want to visit our Plain Jane's bedroom to gain insight into what may be holding her back."
This part of the episode very helpfully gives us another clue about the 'Plain Jane' persona: Plain Janes without love in their life have incredibly messy, unkempt and dirty rooms, reflection of their unfulfilled love
life and awkward personality (this stereotype already appeared in episode 1, with Cristen having a messy room as well). And now, with the bonus of bathroom plungers, stained sheets and food in the floor! The stylist sums it up with 'Revolting...feral...I don't think I'd even let a pet rat live in here'.
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This is what happens when a woman wears pants, casual wear and doesn't have a man to look after |
Problem of a room this messy? She won't be
having sex in it ('Do you know what this means, a broken mirror? [Jona: 'Seven years bad luck'] Seven years bad sex!'). That's the main problem.
Jona needs to throw most of her stuff out as well, because a woman without a man who is also 'control freak' is a 'childish hoarder' who doesn't throw anything away and keeps a dirty, messy room - Women aren't allowed to actually keep stuff they may like in their rooms, because that makes them messy, dirty hoarders, and children instead of women! And she'll probably need free space in order to let Entitled Boy hoard stuff in her room as well as his own, I guess. Because I bet this show thinks men are allowed to hoard! Also, the fact that her room is stereotypically portrayed as this messy and dirty obviously and very logically means that 'her whole life is not in order'.
-Now come the clothes:
The stylist has begun throwing stuff indiscriminately away in a garbage bag (clothing and non-clothing alike), ignoring the cries of protest from Jona. She is suddenly offended by the fact that Jona has flat shoes lying around: 'The ugliest men shoes I've ever seen in my life *cringeworthy strident laugh when Jona says she likes them* They're disgusting'. Comparing a woman's wardrobe to a man's wardrobe seems to be the worst hurt Jona and her 'inherent femininity' can receive, apparently, and it goes both ways, too (with it actually being worse the other way round, because to compare a man with women or anything remotely 'feminine' is like the worst insult to their oh-so-strong masculinity, because it's a literal insult to be 'like a woman' to begin with). Also, interesting that anything remotely comfortable is always called 'unfeminine' - only men can wear comfortable things without being stigmatized!
The stylist has begun throwing stuff indiscriminately away in a garbage bag (clothing and non-clothing alike), ignoring the cries of protest from Jona. She is suddenly offended by the fact that Jona has flat shoes lying around: 'The ugliest men shoes I've ever seen in my life *cringeworthy strident laugh when Jona says she likes them* They're disgusting'. Comparing a woman's wardrobe to a man's wardrobe seems to be the worst hurt Jona and her 'inherent femininity' can receive, apparently, and it goes both ways, too (with it actually being worse the other way round, because to compare a man with women or anything remotely 'feminine' is like the worst insult to their oh-so-strong masculinity, because it's a literal insult to be 'like a woman' to begin with). Also, interesting that anything remotely comfortable is always called 'unfeminine' - only men can wear comfortable things without being stigmatized!
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Any shoe without stiletto heels is a MAN-SHOE! The horror! |
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Meanwhile, Jona is very happy indeed that the stylist is throwing away her stuff - and out the window, no less! |
'I don't feel that you're a grown woman when I
look around. There's a lot of childlike things, a lot of mess, a lot of
hoarding'. You
need a man, darling. You'll become a grown, mature, clean woman who doesn't
hoard as soon as you get a boyfriend. You’ll probably be cleaning his own room
as well, too. It's what women do, after all.
'I've got a team of people who are going to come in and work a little magic'. So she's going to have a team of people
completely rearrange her room. Talk about invasive behaviour yet again.
While the stylist's Capitol team completely change Jona's bedroom in a charmingly invasive way, Jona is taken to the store to find clothes that actually make her look like a woman, someone a man might actually want to date! Featuring more gender stereotypes and body bashing:
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More like 'moooore sexist bullshit coming this way!' |
Because you must always show off your body to cater to the men! (definitely don't do it your yourself, though, that wouldn't be right, what a sl*t). You aren't allowed to wear baggier clothes, sorry. You must spend every single day of your life wearing tight clothing (but the uncomfortable kind that men like, don't be mistaken) so that the men realize you're actually a woman, available to them! (Obviously, This doesn't mean
I'm pro-modesty, I'm NOT and I will criticize that issue to hell and back as well, I hate it when people make that simplistic assumption).
'This Plain Jane plays it safe with her
wardrobe, always wearing sweats and T-shirts (which makes people confused as to what her gender is, apparently). But
if she wants her crush to see her sexier side (again, it's all for the
man) she's
gonna have to take a fashion risk with some skirts and heels'. Because the only kind of 'risk' a woman is allowed to take in life is wearing uncomfortable tube skirts and heels, whether she likes or not, in order to attract men!
And once again the stylist is the one who's dictating the style she must wear and how a woman can look 'sexy' (and you're not a control freak yourself? Talk about double standards). What happens if she doesn't like heels or skirts and that's it, no negotations allowed? I guess she'll just say ‘awesome!’ and ‘thank you’ and ‘it was my own true style all along’ when you've forced her into the new style, anyway. That’s how the logic of this show works. With non-consent being received as an epiphany everywhere.
Just like what happened with Cristen, the stylist makes use of her 'classy' 'wit' and proceeeds to make fun of different styles Jona chooses, calling any woman who doesn't dress in heels and skirts, once again, 'unfeminine'. Yay. It's also pretty cruel and mean to tell her to pick stuff when she's just going to criticize all her choices afterwards anyway.
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Me too, Obi-Wan, me too. |
Just like what happened with Cristen, the stylist makes use of her 'classy' 'wit' and proceeeds to make fun of different styles Jona chooses, calling any woman who doesn't dress in heels and skirts, once again, 'unfeminine'. Yay. It's also pretty cruel and mean to tell her to pick stuff when she's just going to criticize all her choices afterwards anyway.
You know, personally, I hate the stylist's style. We
certainly have different views on what it is to dress 'in style'. And we have
totally different views on what is ‘beautiful’, ‘stylish’ or ‘attractive’. I
think that she chooses garish stuff I wouldn’t touch with a five-foot pole and
I wouldn’t wear most of her preferred stuff if they paid me for it. But here's
the thing, to each their own! Do I tell her what to wear? It’s not my damn
business! Why can’t she do the same? But no, her actual job is about telling other people what to do, and her style is the only universally
‘good’ style, it's the rest of women who are taking the wrong choices.
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'I bet she chooses these!' The horror of a person actually choosing her own clothes! Yay for shaming people for not having your exact same likes, narrow-minded stylist. Ugh. |
'So Jona is your classic sporty chick [which seems like a bad thing? Also, are you implying that 'sporty' women are all messy, unkempt and dirty because they like casual wear and sporty stuff??], who wears her sweats not just in the field, but everywhere else in life! I just want to step outside her comfort zone [WHY??]. I want to put her in clothes that are tighter
and brighter'
And like in episode one, here we have Jona
showing the stylist what she has chosen and being rudely bashed for it every
time. You're not even sassy, what the hell, you're just rude. And
And also, it's not about 'feminine'=the amount of skin showed (as opposed to wearing 'baggy clothes that don't show her form') either, because Jona chooses this and the stylist is immediately horrified. Maybe because it's actually a mobility-friendly, comfy look, and not 'sexy' enough, so not something the men will be attracted to because there are not tube skirts, cutesy stuff or heels around!
Poor naïve Jona takes the stylist at her word and tries to be 'risky' with a quirky look that suits her personality (and that the stylist, horrified again, promptly associates with Oliver Twist), but it turns out that what the stylist really meant when she said 'risky' was this:
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Class™ |
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This is not 'sexy' enough because it's comfy! |
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All women need to wear flowers, skirts and pink cardigans to show the world they're actually women!! |
And then...'Oh, the lady is in the house!'
Because only when you wear a floral dress and pink cardigan can you be called a
woman. Oh wait, it's too girly for her, let's try to bring out a more 'sexy' side.
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'This is more casual'. WAT |
The stylist's definition of ‘casual’ includes, wait for it, stilettos. Yes, that’s right. Freaking stilettos, one of the most uncomfortable and mobility-impairing shoes in history, are part of a freaking 'casual' look. Wow.
'You look so hot right now! You look a million miles from the girl I met at the café.' - 'I feel really sophisticated' - 'Do you feel sexy? You look so sexy!' - 'I didn't know this could happen!'. Because only when you wear a tight minidress and heels can you be feel 'sexy', and like a woman. You must conform to a single choice of style, and wait, if you show your body it's not for yourself, it's for the crush, so don't you think this is really about loving your body and showing it off, the stylist proved that when she attacked the short jumpsuit Jona chose. So if you're looking for that kind of self-acceptance, self-esteem and self-love, this show definitely isn't the one for you. No, really, it's not.
As in the non-consent plane experience, Jona has come to realize that tube skirts, dresses and painfully thin and high stiletto heels were her preferred style all along, so burdened with this second glorious epiphany and a lot of 'feminine' and 'sexy' clothes and uncomfortable shoes, she makes her way back to her....transformed bedroom, which is now a posh and proper room, fitting for a 'grown-up woman'. It's impersonal and even dehumanized. All her stuff is gone. All right if it needed cleaning a bit (and we also have to take into account the cliché of the 'dirty, unkempt woman without a man'), but did you really had to erase her whole style and create a whole new one? (hey, that's the exact point of Plain Jane, after all). That's so invasive. But Entitled Boy would find it more welcoming and would be 'willing to stay overnight', so I guess that's the important part!
And of course Jona loves it! The logic of this show, remember, is that women like non-consensual experiences and changes if someone pressures them enough into liking them!
'You look so hot right now! You look a million miles from the girl I met at the café.' - 'I feel really sophisticated' - 'Do you feel sexy? You look so sexy!' - 'I didn't know this could happen!'. Because only when you wear a tight minidress and heels can you be feel 'sexy', and like a woman. You must conform to a single choice of style, and wait, if you show your body it's not for yourself, it's for the crush, so don't you think this is really about loving your body and showing it off, the stylist proved that when she attacked the short jumpsuit Jona chose. So if you're looking for that kind of self-acceptance, self-esteem and self-love, this show definitely isn't the one for you. No, really, it's not.
As in the non-consent plane experience, Jona has come to realize that tube skirts, dresses and painfully thin and high stiletto heels were her preferred style all along, so burdened with this second glorious epiphany and a lot of 'feminine' and 'sexy' clothes and uncomfortable shoes, she makes her way back to her....transformed bedroom, which is now a posh and proper room, fitting for a 'grown-up woman'. It's impersonal and even dehumanized. All her stuff is gone. All right if it needed cleaning a bit (and we also have to take into account the cliché of the 'dirty, unkempt woman without a man'), but did you really had to erase her whole style and create a whole new one? (hey, that's the exact point of Plain Jane, after all). That's so invasive. But Entitled Boy would find it more welcoming and would be 'willing to stay overnight', so I guess that's the important part!
And of course Jona loves it! The logic of this show, remember, is that women like non-consensual experiences and changes if someone pressures them enough into liking them!
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Wow, thank you for throwing away all my stuff and completely changing my own bedroom! |
'Jona, meet the laundry hamper'.
Let us bash 'unfeminine' women as dirty, messy women again. I understand that with the grand total number of two brain cells the sexism of this show is not able to come up with a whole lot of new ideas, but come on.
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This show is full of Andersons |
So, now that she already has the bedroom and the clothes, Jona must learn to welcome flirting
and 'ladylike manners'. So she must dress sexier, be cleaner (because only women
who dress in skirts and heels are clean, apparently),
have a more refined boring room (with no hoarding or interesting, personalized stuff), and...welcome sexual advances whether she likes the guy in question or not.
-Discussion-rant: I hate it when they
force young women to be all flirty and sexy, leave them the hell alone! Not all girls are attracted to the idea of sex and relationships in the same way (or at all), and not all handle these situations in the same way. Brainwashing young women so that they think that if they don't cater to the men by being adequately flirty and sexy then they're 'self-conscious, miserable prudes' is SO WRONG. Also, it's not like you wouldn't call a woman who likes flirting and dating a 'slut' when she doesn't fit your submissive model, is it? At the end of the day, a patriarchal.based society makes it so that everything a woman does is wrong: If she likes dating (especially if it's casual dating) she's a 'slut'; if she doesn't have a particular liking for it, she's a 'prude'. It a no-win scenario (like the sexist version of the Kobayashi Maru *sorry xD*).
Another thing - It’s not freaking necessary to wear heels and tube-skirts in order to date
someone. In fact, if it’s not your preferred style that you wear on a daily
basis, I would say it would be toxic to change your style just for a date. The
man's (or date's) tastes don’t come before your own. Never. Never ever. Dating (and assuming we're talking about more longish-term relationships) is not about changing so that you're attractive
to a man, or at least it shouldn’t be (talking about heteronormative relationships here because that's what the show is about, but this issue can also apply to any queer relationships as well). Some women don't like flirting (I, for
one, don’t, not in the conventional way society views 'flirting'), every woman should have their own
clothing style, their own way of being 'sexy' if they want to be sexy, that is,
and their own way of speaking with men, if they want to speak with men in that
context. You don't have to tutor them into a single way of responding to all
these, because we're not all the same, and we’re not men’s playthings, either.
We don’t have to be tutored,
goddammit *insert grumpy Bones face*. In fact here it is:
This mindset is not only creepy, it's misogynistic as hell because they're freaking telling these girls that in order to be in a relationship they must learn to cater to the needs of men and entertain them and you can't get more regressive than that.
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And Jane Tiberia Kirk doesn't believe in no-win scenarios! |
This mindset is not only creepy, it's misogynistic as hell because they're freaking telling these girls that in order to be in a relationship they must learn to cater to the needs of men and entertain them and you can't get more regressive than that.
Now, like in episode 1, Jona is being told to
get more comfortable around guys by segregating herself from them. Hanging
out with guys in a more equal footing creates 'the friendzone', remember. You can only hook up with a guy if you
learn how to flirt and seduce and entertain them. And you must be neither too
forward nor too coy. All very logical and very simple. With no double standards present.
I love Jona's 'friends', they tell all sort of
nice stuff about her all the time. Jona has no luck with men because she dresses in sweatpants and
doesn't know how to flirt correctly. 'Jona was having a burping contest with a
guy, and a I really hoped that it wasn't her trying to flirt, but I think that
it was'. Keep on creating that gloriously three-dimensional stereotype: The opposite and only
alternative of a high-heeled sexy woman who seduces men with her charms is a
messy, dirty, unfeminine tomboy who burps. OK, great.
So, another male flirting advisor. And they're
gonna do the same thing, train her to flirt in a 'womanly way' under threat of zapping
her. So cool, right?
And yep, already in heels. Interesting how the girls never complain about how uncomfortable they are, and in real life, they should. Not only because many are uncomfortable as hell, also because if it really was the first time these girls wore heels, they should find it a bit more difficult to maneouver in them!
This episode's version of the flirting experience is not about talking to random guys walking their dog (Cristen), but about speed-dating, which apparently is an asset every girl
should have. Tips to succeed: 'Keep the conversation very light, flirty
and fun. (...) Make sure that you ask questions, because guys love to talk
about themselves (and it's all about what they want and keeping them
entertained, they don't even try to hide that fact). If you feel yourself talking too much about yourself (the gods
forbid!!), ask them a question (and let them talk for as long as they
want!). No matter what, I want these guys to walk out saying they met a lovely
girl .'
So the usual stuff, then. Listen to men, let them talk about themselves, and never, ever interrupt them or bother them with your voice or your conversation topics. Those don't matter. You're here to listen to them, to entertain them and to be their passive, sweet, submissive object. That's what a romantic relationship seems to be about in this show.
And what's more - they haven't given her normal
guys for her to meet. Nope. They’ve given her freaking creepy weirdos. 'If
she can handle these guys, she can handle anything with Jonathan'.
Cool, so the plane casual harassment wasn't enough. She must speed-date talk with horrible creepy guys in order to realize that's it's not so hard to engage with Entitled Boy, because in comparison Entitled Boy will be
magnificent. Sounds legit. And abusive.
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Let me instruct you about how to cater to men with the aid of my male entitlement |
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The correct way to enter a relationship is to endure some entertaining Geisha training before! With electric shocks! |
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This is 100% out of order |
The flirting 'expert' and the stylist begin monitoring Jona as she has to engage with these guys one after the other:
-'Awkward silence' - zap. Because it isn't awkward at all to be meeting random guys in a speed-dating place. Especially if you actually didn't choose to do so in the first place. The gods forbid she's human and finds the experience awkward.
-'Awkward silence' - zap. Because it isn't awkward at all to be meeting random guys in a speed-dating place. Especially if you actually didn't choose to do so in the first place. The gods forbid she's human and finds the experience awkward.
-'Ask the guy some questions!' The thought of the guy actually being interested about her (apart from her looks, I mean)! It isn't wrong for the guy to stay in
silence, either. He isn't being awkward - or zapped!
-'She sounds a little condescending'. Guys can be condescending to you.
You can't, you have to take the guys seriously and be interested in what
they're saying. Even if you're not. Especially if you're not.
-'Stop slouching, sit up'
-'Make eye contact with the guy!'
-'Don't look so disturbed!' The gods forbid women be able to express when they're uncomfortable. The logic of non-consent again.
-And one of these guys goes - 'I've never dated an Asian girl
before, this could be really fun for both of us. How do you feel about one-night stands?'
Oh, great, a racist jerk who wants to treat her as an 'exotic novelty' to use and discard :/ So part of the training is basically enduring freaking sexual and racist harassment from creepy guys ('She's doing very well'). Ugh!
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-'This isn't a job interview!' Don't talk about anything that's not 100% shallow and superficial!
And they're also sort of playing with the guys, unless they knew beforehand. Now that these type of guys would care, though. And I don't really feel sorry for them.
And they're also sort of playing with the guys, unless they knew beforehand. Now that these type of guys would care, though. And I don't really feel sorry for them.
The cringeworthy flirting training over and the stylist thinks that Jona has learned 'the stuff I wanted you to learn for the big day with Jonathan tomorrow' (so basically putting up with harassment and entertaining men no matter how boring or dumb they are? Sounds...very liberating). Jona is feeling 'a lot more comfortable' about the whole date issue (wow), so now it's time for the actual makeover, starting with the hair. And they're going to cut
her hair, obviously (for the full rant, see episode 1 here).
So yes, her natural hair won't do. The male hair-stylist asks her about her daily hair routine and both he and the stylist laugh in a pretty condescending manner when Jona says she doesn't do anything special (the stylist doesn't either, but of course he's a man and doesn't need to be high maintenance about his appearance). 'You need something a little bit different', the hair stylist claims, 'To be like kind of flirty, (...) and a little bit more elegant'. That seems to be equal to shorter and heat-styled, somehow. Because nothing is ever fine to begin with! If it's long-ish, it must be shorter, if it's short it must be longer! If it's straight (and thus 'lanky'), it must have waves, if it's too 'frizzy' it must be heat-straightened to death! Wonderful methods to boost a girl's self-esteem! Plus they also make sure that they'll be buying (horrible) products in order to alter their hair forever and ever, because they'll want to keep doing it in order to cater to their crush!
While Jona's hair is being changed without any of her input being taken into account (she wasn't even asked to begin with, as per usual), the episode turns to glorifying Entitled Boy again ('really smart', 'really nice', yadda, yadda, yadda). Getting boring - and full of double standards - here.
The hair stylist is a proud promoter of sexist and unequal relationships, too:
The hair stylist is a proud promoter of sexist and unequal relationships, too:
'You got a hot date? (...) So we need to do
sexy hair' Because of course, her hair is for her date to admire and her hairstyle is 100% oriented towards that, with no input from her part and the need to actually change it because of the dude.
Also, she is going to start waxing her eyebrows and upper lip and do her nails now she's going to have a man in her life!
Also, she is going to start waxing her eyebrows and upper lip and do her nails now she's going to have a man in her life!
'You are going to have to start to train yourself to go more like a routine when you
wash your hair. Because now you're going to have a new boyfriend, so you'll
have to look fabulous every day'
Yes, I get it. She has the additional pressure
to look good everyday because she owes it to her boyfriend. That also suits you because she will be paying lots of check-up visits to the hairdresser's now, right?
The stylist raves at her new look and then - on their way to finish the makeover with the make-up and dress+heels - proceeds to pressure her into realizing that she 'only has one shot' and that she wants her to 'nail it right'. Getting a man is a compulsory achievement if you're a woman, so that makes Jona suitably nervous, and to that she adds the fact that she's worried that she'll loose her friendship with Entitled Guy if she's rejected. Pressure upon pressure, it's so nice to be a woman in this show!
After the hair comes the make-up, also a compulsory requirement if you're a woman. At least the make-up guy actually asks her a little bit about what she prefers! But yeah, as much as I personally enjoy make-up as a form of artistic expression, women should not be forced to wear it all the time (or ever), and least of all for a man (or anyone else) you want to hook up with.
(Also, for a make-up artist and hair stylist that work with celebrities, once again they don't seem to do that much of an spectacular job or anything, the make-up's pretty amateurish, imo - but OK, cool, after all the logic I've been having here I guess this is not surprising xD Anyway, off topic)
Once again, Entitled Boy isn't asked anything more than to be there for the date. No transformation from his part, he's already cute and smart and all around great already! He just has to turn up in the clothes he has chosen, and choose whether he wants the relationship or not. What a great life, right?
After the hair comes the make-up, also a compulsory requirement if you're a woman. At least the make-up guy actually asks her a little bit about what she prefers! But yeah, as much as I personally enjoy make-up as a form of artistic expression, women should not be forced to wear it all the time (or ever), and least of all for a man (or anyone else) you want to hook up with.
(Also, for a make-up artist and hair stylist that work with celebrities, once again they don't seem to do that much of an spectacular job or anything, the make-up's pretty amateurish, imo - but OK, cool, after all the logic I've been having here I guess this is not surprising xD Anyway, off topic)
Once again, Entitled Boy isn't asked anything more than to be there for the date. No transformation from his part, he's already cute and smart and all around great already! He just has to turn up in the clothes he has chosen, and choose whether he wants the relationship or not. What a great life, right?
Also, pretty interesting that he apparently liked Jona all along, and yet -
1) Never told her either. She gets a makeover and her personality and likes are mutilated, but his aren't. He's not labelled as a shy Plain Joe because of that fact. Men can bide their time! Huge double standard.
2) Seems to be 100% cool about going on a blind date with a stranger (so he thinks) in spite of liking Jona! Jona is obsessing about Entitled Boy all the time and everything she's doing and being made to do is for him. Meanwhile, Entitled Boy is cool about hooking up with a random girl. Oooo-key.
1) Never told her either. She gets a makeover and her personality and likes are mutilated, but his aren't. He's not labelled as a shy Plain Joe because of that fact. Men can bide their time! Huge double standard.
2) Seems to be 100% cool about going on a blind date with a stranger (so he thinks) in spite of liking Jona! Jona is obsessing about Entitled Boy all the time and everything she's doing and being made to do is for him. Meanwhile, Entitled Boy is cool about hooking up with a random girl. Oooo-key.
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She's just wearing different clothes, make-up and has cut her hair - But she's a new Jona! Now happy because a man will notice her! |
Jona's makeover is finished, the stylist is 'really proud of how far you've come this week (...) you've become a new person' - She's been talked into and forced to do everything, but OK, see it as a woman's ultimate accomplishment, why not. She also mainly emphasizes the fact that she looks 'beautiful' and 'so hot', so that's the kind of accomplishment a girl should be looking forward to, I guess. And now she's ready at last to 'get out there and go get your man' because now that she's sexy and have conformed, she's worthy of having a man and the man will be able to actually view her as a romantic option!
And, like in episode 1, Entitled Boy suddenly realizes he's 'in love',
because Jona looks beautiful and sexy now! Wow. Like he says 'we've always been open and talked about everything' - doesn't sound like it, dude, if Jona had to do ALL THIS so that you would notice :S - and 'I kept hoping it would be you', but dude, don't give me that Nice Guy talk when you can only react now that Jona has gotten a makeover!
Jona finds Entitled Boy handsome, but other things as well, she keeps commenting on how kind and smart he is (he doesn't look it if he can only ask his crush out when she's had an invasive makeover, but OK) and so on. And she's the one who has to emphasize just how she values his friendship, how kind and awesome he is. He says something along the same lines as well to seem like he's 'sweet' and 'awesome' like everyone keeps telling us, but hey, let's remember that his first and most important reaction was 'wow, you look beautiful', so that means Jona still needed the makeover even though Entitled Boy had been thinking about a potential relationship before as well!
Because it's usually that he felt the same but didn't say it either in this show. But they're not called to have a makeover and a transformation to 'face their fears' and 'find the courage' to tell the girls, no. Also, you would think that if the Entitled Boy of the day already kind of fancied the Plain Jane of the day, she wouldn't need the makeover, but she does, because the Entitled Boy of the day is always oh-so-impressed when seeing the post-makeover Plain Jane of the day, so they're actually hypocrites as well as privileged Nice Guys.
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Male entitlement evaluation time! |
Because it's usually that he felt the same but didn't say it either in this show. But they're not called to have a makeover and a transformation to 'face their fears' and 'find the courage' to tell the girls, no. Also, you would think that if the Entitled Boy of the day already kind of fancied the Plain Jane of the day, she wouldn't need the makeover, but she does, because the Entitled Boy of the day is always oh-so-impressed when seeing the post-makeover Plain Jane of the day, so they're actually hypocrites as well as privileged Nice Guys.
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As a man, I'm entitled to ponder and choose about the situation! Knowing that in the end I'll always be acclaimed as such a Nice Guy |
Jona, of course, is so relieved, grateful and happy that Entitled Boy actually finds her 'overwhelmingly beautiful', it's sad to see how this kind of brainwashing creates this level of emotional dependence and longing for affection. It's one thing to be glad or flattered that someone you like finds you attractive, it's a whole different level to be that grateful and over the moon because of it, like it looks as if it's all this girl was asking of life and now everything's complete, she has a man who thinks she's beautiful and who wants her. It's all pretty toxic and quite problematic to make a woman feel like that.
And again with the (condescending) chivalry of him helping her to sit down. The recompense she gets for changing her whole persona and maintaining it every day from now on is the dude helping her to sit down. Well, I guess moving around is stilettos is hard. That's actually an important reason why men like women wearing uncomfortable, mobility-impairing heels, women suddenly need help moving and become way more dependable, and that makes men so happy, apparently.
And again with the (condescending) chivalry of him helping her to sit down. The recompense she gets for changing her whole persona and maintaining it every day from now on is the dude helping her to sit down. Well, I guess moving around is stilettos is hard. That's actually an important reason why men like women wearing uncomfortable, mobility-impairing heels, women suddenly need help moving and become way more dependable, and that makes men so happy, apparently.
And "happy ending" once more: New style and behaviour for
her (heels everywhere, of course!), glorification of gender roles, and no change for him. Yay.
Wow, after all this sexism I think I need a break from Plain Jane for a little while xD But I'll be back to wreak more feminist snarky havoc into this horrendous show asap, don't worry!
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Yay heels and gender roles! |
Yes, "Plain Jane" is RUBBISH!!! And your review and critical irony is really GREAT!!!
ReplyDelete:) Really glad you liked it :) <3!