Continuing with my feminist criticism (and snarky rant) of MTV' Plain Jane reality show, here is the first part of my commentary on the first episode of the first season, 'Cristen' (So far, I've only watched and written these commentaries for the first season because there's only so much rubbish I can take, but we'll see if I'll continue or not :S xD).
Part 1: Introduction on why I hate these kind of reality makeover showsPart 2: Opening credits
Part 4: Episode 1 part II
Like I mentioned in part 1, these feminist 'reviews' are more of a commentary to the episode, and a pretty thorough one, I'm afraid, seeing as practically everything is apt to be heavily criticized because of its sheer sexism :/ . Hopefully this commentary will make sense without the need of having to watch this garbage! (of course, if you're curious and want to know the enemy and/or form your own opinions, go ahead, this is just my opinion on the show).
I’ll be writing a brief summary at the start of each scene/section of the episode so that this remains a bit coherent, but apart from that it's all going to be (snarky) comments about the scenes and as answers to the dialogue in the episode (which will be quoted, appearing in cursive), with some discussions in between about general aspects on which I wish to elaborate a bit more broadly from my feminist point of view (in purple). Like I said, the commentaries can seem a bit disconnected if you aren’t familiar with the episode, but I hope the gist of them remains.
-Disclaimer: This is going to be pretty long, so you’ve been warned! (the reason why I've decided to make a series of posts about this first episode, with my longest commentary, instead of just inserting a read-more break). But if you’re interested in reading a snarky feminist detailed commentary of a sexist makeover show, read on! If not, please don’t go commenting about how boring this is – I’m not the one repeating myself, the sexism in the show is!
I’ll be writing a brief summary at the start of each scene/section of the episode so that this remains a bit coherent, but apart from that it's all going to be (snarky) comments about the scenes and as answers to the dialogue in the episode (which will be quoted, appearing in cursive), with some discussions in between about general aspects on which I wish to elaborate a bit more broadly from my feminist point of view (in purple). Like I said, the commentaries can seem a bit disconnected if you aren’t familiar with the episode, but I hope the gist of them remains.
-Disclaimer: This is going to be pretty long, so you’ve been warned! (the reason why I've decided to make a series of posts about this first episode, with my longest commentary, instead of just inserting a read-more break). But if you’re interested in reading a snarky feminist detailed commentary of a sexist makeover show, read on! If not, please don’t go commenting about how boring this is – I’m not the one repeating myself, the sexism in the show is!
So let's get started!
-Summary: The stylist phones Tye and gets him to accept a blind date in two days time. After that pretty invasive call, Cristen and our favourite stylist drive in search of the male crush of this episode and proceed to stalk him while praising his virtues and manliness. Sexist creepiness ftw.
-Sexism in the title: The term ‘friendzoning’, which is usually applied to women who offend a male acquaintance because they don't want to engage sexually with him, preferring instead to consider him ‘simply’ as a friend (the nerve! The offense! The oppression!). It’s supposedly a great insult not to give to every man the sex and romantic relationships they’re owed, regardless of your own feelings towards them. In this episode it’s also implied that if you behave and dress ‘like men’(aka favour casual wear and play guitar lol), you won’t get a man because all you do is friendzoning them by doing and enjoying 'similar things' and behaving 'in a similar way'.
Part I:
Part I:
-Summary: In which they briefly present the victim – I mean, the misguided and
self-conscious ‘Plain Jane’ of the episode – , and show us the highlights we’ll be
enjoying during Cristen’s ‘training’ and makeover. The makeover will involve
changing her clothing style, her hair and her face (as in make-up), and
teaching her how her appearance comes first and how she's expected to be
beautiful for her man. The training aspect, meanwhile, involves Cristen suffering
needlessly while experiencing her worst fear, plus being electrocuted while being
taught how to flirt with and entertain men (yes, seriously), and also being objectified while
being taught that learning the secrets of a Cabaret dancer is your best asset
when it comes to successfully getting a man. Because it’s super empowering to cater to the male gaze,
Also, the summary of the MTV Asia online episode is priceless:
"An uncomfortably shy and messy Jane attempts to shed her "one of the guys" status - along with her plaid flannels - to seduce her longtime crush, who only sees her as a friend."
"An uncomfortably shy and messy Jane attempts to shed her "one of the guys" status - along with her plaid flannels - to seduce her longtime crush, who only sees her as a friend."
You and I both, Donna! |
-The stylist-narrator-host starts talking
dramatically about how important these dates are: Such a big deal, such an
important moment for a woman - getting a man interested in her. What can
possibly compare to that in the whole of a woman's life?
-They arrange these dates. Scripted or not, I
find that incredibly intrusive. It also places women in a position of
submission and passivity - they're not told 'If you like this guy, go ask him
out'. No, they have no part in any decision, and all is planned out for them. It's
all surprise, giggles, fits of panic, getting directions on how to dress and
how to act and what to do. And a full makeover and transformation, all thought
to please the guy. Hell of a role model for young women, and hell of a
'romantic' story. Cinderella 2.0, here we come. Yay.
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This is what girls are supposed to do in these episodes: Low self-esteem, and lots of cringing, giggling, self-doubt, passivity and lack of personality. The ultimate role-model, right? |
-"We're gonna
change the way Tye sees you, so you have to change the way you see you"
So women basically have to hide and change and
lie so that the guy finds them attractive. Both to him AND to themselves, which
is even worse. The healthy alternative of 'just be yourself, and if he likes
that, great, if he doesn't, hey, go look for another one' - That's unthinkable.
After all, this series is all about how to alter your appearance so that you
please your date and he finds you attractive. And changing the way you see you includes a limited set of options established by an stereotype-based society: Wearing
make-up, heels, feminine and sexy clothing, and acting flirtatious. Whether you like
it or not. That's basically the.only.damn.way.
-Plus they actually frigging train her to flirt with random guys and
engage them in conversation, and if they're bored or uninterested… guess what? They give her electric shocks as punishment.
Hell yeah.
-And apparently, in order to win your man, you
must indulge your charming trainer-stylist and experiment with your phobias.
After all, asking a man out meeting a guy you know for an
arranged date, is such an awe-inspiring, terrifying, challenging event that if
you face your deepest phobia, you'll be able to face that with no problems! I
don't even know why those two situations are even related, in the first place. Do
you go face your biggest phobia before sitting an exam or going for a job
interview on a daily basis? "I have a difficult exam tomorrow and I'm so
nervous, so instead of revising and/or switching off to relax, or doing
something even remotely useful in my life…let's go touch some snails! [this
girl’s particular phobia]"...Yeah, I thought not.
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Because watching frightened women is fun, apparently |
-And, of
course, she cannot say 'I wanna be more
than just your friend' directly and in her everyday clothes, oh no, she
must be all decked up and sexy and she must have a date arranged. Yes, I see an
awful lot of potential there.
-Summary: The show presents Cristen, who is seemingly in a bad state because of
her personal style and hobbies, and needs someone to make her crush, Tye, like
her. The stylist begins to make her first judgmental remarks about Cristen while
watching her video message, and then meets up with her in a café in order to
tell her how misguided and ‘tomboyish’ she is.
Cristen, dressed in casual clothes with a casual hairstyle and no make-up. Message:
She's so awkward and unfeminine! Right??
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So they're basically telling us that if you look like this, you're sloppy, unfeminine and won't get a man. There are so many wrongs things about this, they won't fit in a caption, so yeah. |
favours casual, sporty wear, especially, and hang on to your seats,...plaid shirts (Wow, she's such an
unattractive tomboy, yuck!), and she's so distressed because she thinks she 'kinda
dresses like one of the guys' (Who
thought that in the 21st Century wearing plaid shirts was dressing
like a man?) and that 'she needs help'. "Oh
no!" exclaims the obnoxious stylist with distaste and horror when
shown Cristen's style in clothing. Sure,
everything that's not dresses and heels is unfeminine and transforms you into 'one of the guys'. Yay progress and 21st
Century thinking. How are we even
allowed to wear trousers?!
Btw, her
natural hair is also 'ugly' because it's not heat styled and chemical-coloured to an inch of its
life, apparently.
the message is that she's messy and sloppy and, gods forbid!, the worst thing a
woman can be…'tomboyish'. Oh, that won't do. "This girl definitely needs my
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So liking casual wear and plaid shirts means you need help?? In which sort of patriarchal universe? Oh wait |
-Extra discussion: So she's so messy and unfeminine exactly why, may I ask?? Because she dresses in plaid shirts, casual-wear? That is just so
sexist and narrow-minded. The very word
'feminine' as in constructed femininity really bugs me, because 'feminine' and 'masculine' are nothing more
than societal, patriarchal constructs that dictate how men and women must look
and behave. It's unfair, it's narrow-minded, it's binary thinking. What's this girl
doing wrong exactly, having her own
style? Of course her friend doesn't tell her he likes her, look at her
unfeminine style how could he be interested! But of course, when she starts wearing heels and feminine
dresses, that is to say, when she starts conforming to the societal construct of 'femininity', because it is expected of her and not because it fits her personal style, then he'll definitely notice. Oh, such a healthy, open-minded mindset. I
bow before your dating advice.
-Cristen also hangs out a lot with her male
friends, playing music and watching baseball. That makes her even more unfeminine, as our stylist is quick to say - 'So
you're pretty much a male'. Hey, sure, playing music is unfeminine, let me
write that down so that I can bear it in
mind because I do that a lot and the gods forbid I appear tomboyish or threaten my inner femininity. And sure, having male friends and enjoying
hanging out with them in plaid shirts watching sports and playing guitar basically
makes a woman a man. She should be at home sewing in high heels and wearing pink frilly dresses so that people can recognize her as a woman. Sexist thinking at its best.
River definitely doesn't approve of this shit |
'That's an easy thing to fix', she says. Gods, how is Cristen even
coping, she is so misguided, she should be hanging with a group of girl-friends
going out to buy shoes or staying at home painting their nails and gossiping!
(an equally offensive idea of what it means to hang out with girls. I
personally geek out and play music with girlfriends. It depends on each one's
likes, not on their gender, people!).
So it seems that the fact that Cristen likes to
hang out with male friends makes her unable to date a guy. It also makes her
sloppy and unattractive, because she doesn't care about her looks as much as
she should (references to her 'messy' hair, her clothing, her feet being ugly because she actually uses them to play sports,
gods forbid, and her nails are not perfectly painted, jeesh).
So first of all, she has the nerve to believe herself to be at the same level of her male friends, wearing the same comfy clothes and partaking in the same hobbies (as we know, women should hang out with other girls painting their nails and talking about men while men play video games, like The Big Bang Theory showed us again and again). And also, apparently, if you are friends with 'a lot of guys', you just stay their friend. Period. It isn't possible for a man to be feel attracted to you if you enjoy the same things they enjoy and if you don't look sexy and flawless. You have to stay gender segregated following the masculinity and femininity constructs in every way, from clothes to activities, so that attraction can work. Playing music and using your feet to kick a ball? Instant turn-off, folks. Write that down, ladies!
So first of all, she has the nerve to believe herself to be at the same level of her male friends, wearing the same comfy clothes and partaking in the same hobbies (as we know, women should hang out with other girls painting their nails and talking about men while men play video games, like The Big Bang Theory showed us again and again). And also, apparently, if you are friends with 'a lot of guys', you just stay their friend. Period. It isn't possible for a man to be feel attracted to you if you enjoy the same things they enjoy and if you don't look sexy and flawless. You have to stay gender segregated following the masculinity and femininity constructs in every way, from clothes to activities, so that attraction can work. Playing music and using your feet to kick a ball? Instant turn-off, folks. Write that down, ladies!
The narrow-mindedness is so glaring it
physically hurts, and I've just mentioned what happens in the first three minutes.
-'You go
straight into the friendzone instead of a sexy, seductive, pretentious
That's the role model we must fulfill if we want to get off with someone. We
must be sexy. We must be seductive. We must be pretentious (is that even a good thing??). Casual, sporty, friendly,
easy-going, nice, enjoying hobbies that are not the limited 'feminine' things to do? SHARING INTERESTS AND LIKING EACH OTHER IN A MORE EQUAL LEVEL? Yuck.
-Did I
mention the corny background music? Because hell, it’s cringeworthy.
-Also. Reasons why Cristen likes Tye (the male
crush in this episode). 'He's really cute...really tall...really
handsome...really good-looking'.
So basically she lists appearance, too.
Such deep feelings. All right, appearance does have a factor in
sexual attraction and all that, obviously, but are those the only reasons she likes him? Does she
even know him as a person, really? Please don't make these corny (and sexist)
reality rubbish in order to tell us again that this is love. This is
attraction. A crush. It's totally OK, totally natural, but let's not mix terms for young girls, please. And love
certainly doesn't involve changing yourself for your crush.
Only, of
course, he doesn't have to alter his
looks in order to be attractive to her.
But she does. Oh boy, that she does.
want to work on your confidence building'.
tell me again why having that
particular style and those hobbies and friends makes her have low confidence in this script?
Believing that a person must CHANGE and alter their way of looking and thinking in order to be attractive to another person is what truly gives good reason for them to have
low confidence about themselves.
You are not helping girls to boost their confidence. You're making them think that their way of looking, of dressing, of hanging out and of thinking is not right, and that she won't get the crush of her dreams until she changes. Way to go.
You are not helping girls to boost their confidence. You're making them think that their way of looking, of dressing, of hanging out and of thinking is not right, and that she won't get the crush of her dreams until she changes. Way to go.
Molly has a crush and she doesn't approve of this sexist crap |
And she isn't even remotely ashamed to state
it just like that: 'working on your confidence'
means learning how to flirt and be seductive. Hell yeah. You make a man attracted to you if you learn
how to bat your eyelashes seductively. To hell about being yourself and
attracting someone because they noticed the real you and liked it.
-When talking about Tye, people mention his
being 'smart', 'talented' and 'awesome', as well as
good-looking. Does anyone ever mention that Cristen is smart or talented? Nope.
She's just unfeminine, tomboyish, sloppy and self-conscious because she isn't the flawless
sexy woman she's supposed to be. The inner Cristen? Who cares! All she needs is to be trained for two days
in order to become more beautiful and sophisticated, as well as seductive and flirty. Because that's what's going to matter, not
her brains or any other aspect of her character. We don't even know what she studies and/or does for a living. Only that she likes music, but hey, that makes her tomboyish, so no luck there.
-Summary: The stylist phones Tye and gets him to accept a blind date in two days time. After that pretty invasive call, Cristen and our favourite stylist drive in search of the male crush of this episode and proceed to stalk him while praising his virtues and manliness. Sexist creepiness ftw.
-When they're stalking Tye, just the background
music tells us just how active, awesome, empowered and macho he is. 'Cute,
tall, sporty'.
And he doesn't get points off for playing sports, right? Must be a nice life.
And he doesn't get points off for playing sports, right? Must be a nice life.
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This is the male crush, he's already perfect, he makes all the choices, is allowed his own style, and he's also allowed to play sports. No, I don't see a double standard here...not at all |
-And I have to say this. All this for what? If Cristen has been friends with him for a few years and she wants to take the
relationship further, why doesn't she ask him about it, or ask some friends to
help her if she's feeling shy? This is
all orchestrated for the sake of the show, but anyway, does she really need to go through all that? I don't think so.
-Incidentally, the stylist seems to like to call herself a 'fairy godmother' for doing all this. I weep for humanity.
-Incidentally, the stylist seems to like to call herself a 'fairy godmother' for doing all this. I weep for humanity.
To be continued...
Really a good and intelligent exposition, full of irony,of how patriarchal society manipulates women, making them identify themselves with the role of feminity they have constructed in order to subject women to men. I really like your interpretation of the show, Ríona. This exposition reveals your deep understanding and insight of the patriarcal constructs existing nowadays. Good for you!!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Pilar Erika :) <3!
DeleteThis show is even worse than I thought after the other two posts! :(
ReplyDelete"Oh, so you have a lot of common interests, hobbies and activities with your crush! FORGET ABOUT THEM." What the actual… WHAT??
Leaving aside the (horrible) issue of not being allowed to do what she likes in her free time, those kinds of things would be what they could do together in a relationship! Am I weird because I think common interests could be an important factor when being attracted to someone?
Judging by the other posts, I thought their 'rationale' for telling these women to abandon their hobbies would be because the guys might be put off by them or something like that. But in this case both of them like to do those things! It's like they're trying to turn her into an outsider to appeal to his tastes (apparently he'll just want to be friends and nothing more with people inside the group), with a complete disregard for how alienated she would be after being prohibited to be with his friends doing the things she liked, if she wants to be with him.
And regarding her casual clothes and lack of makeup… When you start a relationship with someone, in many cases that'll lead to you seeing that person wearing comfortable clothes, no makeup, etc. *more often*, not less. You're going to see that person how she really is. I thought this would have been a desirable thing.
Every time I read one of these posts, it becomes more and more clear that the show's goal is very far from facilitating the emergence of "love" in these couples. It's like all they want to achieve is just one or two successful dates, based on physical attraction, but every piece of advice they give seems designed to doom a possible long-term relationship to fail. That, or… to continue but based on the woman lying to the guy and herself and pretending she is and likes things that she is not and does not, but not giving a lot of importance to what would make her happy instead… :-/
Agreed! I think the sexist doctrines these girls receive are not only frankly scary, you can also facepalm about the utter absurdity of some of the advice these girls receive, such as 'don't have common hobbies with your crush, he'll think you're 'one of the guys' and you'll be friendzoning him'. You're definitely NOT weird for thinking that common interests are important, I think they're very important as well! In a long-term relationship, and any kind of relationship, really, physical attraction usually only lasts for so long, and if there are no more things in common, I think the whole thing is doomed to fail.
DeleteNot only it's dangerous to rely only on attractiveness, we also have the sexist double standart where the ones who are told to take special care of that factor are the women, and also the fact that they supposedly 'belong' to the man and 'owe' the man some efforts in order to be attractive to him :/
Plus, like you say, the fact that these girls are told to quit their hobbies in case the men feel 'menaced' by the 'competition', or because only men are allowed to have a life and hobbies, or both...And there's also the fact that while telling them to quit their hobbies, they're also potentially alienating and isolating them from their friends and other social areas, which is, incidentally, a sign that there's an abusive relationship going on.
And absolutely, I always wonder what these men who obsess about female 'flawlessness' and 'attractiveness' as an utter necessity do in long-term relationships (meaning polished make-up, hair and clothes, these people are usually too shallow to consider a person in their 'natural state' as beautiful, as assume), do they force their girlfriends/wives/partners to be 'beautiful' and 'flawless' every time they lay eyes on them (not that that's always possible!)? Well, we know that wives in the 60s were taught to fix their make-up, hair, etc before their husbands came home in the evening, and that after spending the whole day doing all the housework and cooking and looking after the children and being basically tired and exhausted, because the husbands deserved seeing their wives in their 'best state' and women owed them that. I think that in some ways, that hasn't changed at all.
"Every time I read one of these posts, it becomes more and more clear that the show's goal is very far from facilitating the emergence of "love" in these couples. It's like all they want to achieve is just one or two successful dates, based on physical attraction, but every piece of advice they give seems designed to doom a possible long-term relationship to fail. That, or… to continue but based on the woman lying to the guy and herself and pretending she is and likes things that she is not and does not, but not giving a lot of importance to what would make her happy instead… :-/"
Electric shocks?! This Tv show is even more creepy than I thought! I do not know how it is possible to spend time and money producing 'toxic waste' like this...
ReplyDeleteI do not think there is anything wrong with Cristen...
Yes, it's pretty creepy, and very toxic :/ Sorry for making you read all this toxic rubbish, sometimes I wonder if I'm being a masochist for watching this stuff xD, but then I think this stuff must be critisized by someone, and I do find it kinda cathartic to go all sarcastic against it xD
DeleteI do not think there's anything wrong with Cristen, either! Either with her appearance or with her fashion style (which is her own, dammit), or with her hobbies (we don't really get that much about her studies, personality and other aspects, because they're not important if you're a woman, apparently). Well, I'd consider 'wrong' the fact that she calls on this stylist in order for her to 'solve her life' and make her succeed during her date, but other than that...nope.
This show follows the same pattern with every single girl. They're critisized and labelled as 'self-conscious', 'akward', 'shy', 'prude/slutty' (depending :/), etc, whenever they don't fit into the sexist mold they're supposed to conform to. All very logical and very open-minded.
And about your comments in the first post, sorry about not responding yet, been busy, I will be replying asap :) :)!
Oh, no it's ok, this needs to be criticized, besides, your sarcastic comments make it fun to read - the roll-eyes of empowered TV women was great! :D
DeleteI think Cristen is beautiful, even by the standards we criticize...but yes, you are right, but I think she only chooses to participate in this show because she was taken to it, influenced by the culture, people that surround her...maybe it was a detereminated event that brought her to it and made her feel vulnerable, maybe now, she regrets participating in this kind of thing, and considers it like something 'silly' we do when we are younger (lets hope she did not internalize the stylist doctrines). Who knows? But I doubt she had a 'happy ever after' with her 'crush'...I agree with DarkSapiens comment, that this show is not successful in its apparent quest to help self-conscious women who desire to find a good companion...the show's purpose seems to be solely fragilizing these girls even more, with shallow and dangerous notions...and electric torture and 'target' stalking! O_O
Criticized for either being prude, or slutty...that's a curious and very common paradox for women...
I know you are busy, It's ok, do take your time! :)
Agreed...And if we're to believe the end of the story,she seemed pretty happy to internalize the sexist stylist's doctrines, so I wouldn't hold up a lot of hope...However, I see that as a scripted lie and mystification in order to make women believe they can be happy and get 'their happy ending' in this way, after having been made to think that you need a full makeover, a change of personality, and do everything according to what 'your man' wants, because making him happy is the priority...the message most fairytales give us, really :/
DeleteI agree with both of you, I don't think that a woman who goes through this could be in a happy relationship, unless she were deeply brainwashed...I mean, it's what you say, they do everything but help self-conscious women, the only thing this show does is promote unequal relationships and intensely mysoginistic values, all while making these girls even more self-conscious about themselves, seeing as they're basically taught that they're not 'good enough' to begin with :/
And yes, that paradox - It seems that in a male-dominated society there's two options, the prude or the slut, the saint or the devil (and in the latter case, it's enchanting that being a 'saint' usually entails being submissive, passive and self-effacing, while being a 'devil' means being active, powerful and in control...)