Like I mentioned in my review of Suffragettes: The Fight for Votes of Women, an anthology about British female suffrage edited by Joyce Marlow, I screenshot excerpts from each
chapter and began posting them in Instagram story format, including
reactions and/or snarky commentary :D xD (still at it on @martaluthien, you can find the story highlight here). I thought it would be interesting to post these excerpts in a couple of posts here as well, so here goes :)
Chapter 1: Victorian suffrage (Open in new tab for full size pics)
-Harriet Taylor Mill (1807-1858), philosopher and women's rights advocate, largely influenced the feminist mindset of second husband John Stuart Mills (but of course people know way less about her!).
-Millicent Garrett Fawcett (1847-1929), intellectual, writer, activist, and leader of the non-militant suffragists.
-Elisabeth Garrett Anderson (1836-1917), Suffragist and Britain's first woman doctor.
-Emily Davies (1830-1921), Suffragist and pioneering campaigner for women's rights to university access.
-Lydia Becker (1827-1890), a leader in the early suffrage movement and amateur scientist with interests in astronomy and biology.
Meanwhile, Victorian dudebros be like *eyeroll* *facepalm* (and things haven't changed that much in many respects, mind)
And special MRA mention of the chapter, however, goes to this truly devout dude xD *facepalm*
If you liked this kind of thing (historical quotes+feminist snark is definitely my jam xD), there's more coming soon!