I visited Austria back in Summer 2012, and, as a Celtic history enthusiast, one of my stops had to be
Hallstatt, a lakeside town in Upper Austria known for its salt mines (dating back to prehistoric times). This town gave its name to the
Hallstatt Culture, "the archaeological culture linked to Proto-Celtic and early Celtic people of the Early Iron Age in Europe, c.800–450 BC" (
Source). Not only was the scenery of the mountain-encircled lake surrounding the town breathtaking (not to mention the gorgeous forests and the architecture) - The
Hallstatt Museum had an amazing collection of items dating back to the Hallstatt Culture, and I had a blast visiting it.
Hallstatt culture |
So here's a pic spam of said museum - Enjoy!
(click on pics of open in new tab for more resolution and larger pics)
The Museum:
About the Hallstatt Culture (Open in new tab or click for larger text) |
Clothing reproductions:
Early La Tène sword from Hallstatt Grave |
Iron Mindelheim sword |
Decorated axe with horse ornament |
Late Urnfield spiral pins and fibula |
I got a reproduction of this horse at the shop :D |
A Sword-woman posing with Celtic swords :) ^^ |
As a birthday gift, I ended up getting two lovely reproductions at the
shop - One Hallstatt horse and a boar -, as well as a beautiful copper
Hallstatt Culture-style jewelry set. Sadly, I lost the ring back in 2014
at my uni, though :'(I have the remaining three things, though :) xD