After my post about my thesis and PhD defense, here's another post about my thesis project, now summarized in poster form for the 15th Scientific Reunion of the Spanish Astronomical Society (XV Reunión Científica de la SEA), which took place this week 🌟🪐🔭📚📐📊.
Over the years, I have made several posters and presentations for several conferences, meetings and seminars, ever since I started my PhD project in 2015, some of which you can find on my ORCID here. This is the most updated version of the poster, now the thesis is complete 😃.
I uploaded this poster for the SEA meeting, alongside a series of slides summarizing the analysis and results from my thesis, on Zenodo here (and also posted about it on Twitter here), and you can also read both the poster and the slides below in this post 😊👇
The summary of the poster which was presented at the conference proper:
Here's the full poster, which was uploaded to Zenodo:
And here are the slides summarizing my PhD project, which you can also find on Zenodo:
✨Read the full post about my thesis and PhD defense here.
✨Read and download my PhD thesis here as a Google Drive file, and also find it on ADS and on the UCM E-prints.
✨ My first author scientific papers published in 2020 and 2024
✨You can also find my list of publications, including articles and conference proceedings, on ORCID , ADS, and Scopus.