Sunday 9 September 2018

'Women Who Dared' Oxford exhibition - Suffrage centenary and women in history

 Last August I went to Oxford to visit the Tolkien exhibition, and, by a lucky chance, there was also a feminist exhibition in honour of the suffrage centenary, called 'Women Who Dared', featuring both suffragette material and original manuscripts and books by and/or about women in history - writers, poetesses, scientists, pirates and soldiers. So I'm back to the blog with a pic spam about the exhibition :D! Enjoy :)

Suffrage-related shop goodies :)

And my Oxford haul, featuring both Tolkien and feminism :D:

Women in history represented in the exhibition:
  • Sappho, Ancient Greek poetess:
  •  Lady Ise, 9th-10th Century Japanese poetess:

  •  Christine de Pizan, the first Medieval European professional female writer (14th-15th Century), with feminist writings:

  • Mary Read and Anne Bonny, 17th-18th Century pirates:
  •  Hannah Snell, 18th Century soldier

  • Ada Lovelace, 19th Century mathematician and programming pioneer:
  • Mabel Purefoy FitzGerald, 19th-20th Century pathologist: