Sunday 4 August 2013

Feminism is about equality

 [Traducción española en violeta y cursiva]

I found a great quote in Facebook yesterday, and I agree wholeheartedly with it:
 Ayer encontré un cita muy buena en Facebook con la que estoy 100% de acuerdo:

Here is my translation of it:

  "Feminist movements do not want to impose a matriarchy based on violence against men, just as patriarchy has done until now. They do not want to deny them a vote, or rape them in the wars, or mutilate their genitals to uphold a cultural tradition, or confine them in the domestic sphere, or kill them for commiting adultery.
   Feminist movements do not expect men to be the property of their mothers and then of their wives, nor do them wish that men earn lower salaries, and neither would they want to banish them from the media, business and political spheres of power.
   They don't want to traffic with male bodies for the enjoyment of the female ones, nor do they wish that the male children be malnourished or abandoned in orphanages, nor, of course, would they promote their social or economic marginalization.
   They would not ban male children from going to school either, or deny them access to health service and university.
   Understand that all these insane ideas are not what feminist movements promote. Feminist movements have always fought for the equality between women and men."

  Coral Herrera Gómez

As I mentioned in the 'A Note On Feminism' page of this blog, if someone upholds any of these outrageous ideas and calls themselves a feminist -  or a "radical feminist", as some like to call the potential minor groups that uphold women's superiority (that's another bad term, as 'radical feminism' means a complete different thing) -, then they're using the wrong label, because that's not what feminism is about at all. Feminist movements are related to a whole lot of misconceptions and, indeed, stigma, but feminism is nothing else and nothing more than women's liberation from patriarchal oppression (and the resulting equality between men and women). If someone promotes something that is against equality, they are certainly NOT a 'feminist'. 

 Como ya mencioné en el apartado de 'Una Nota Sobre el Feminismo' de este blog, si alguien sostiene alguna de estas horribles ideas y se llama "feminista" - un/a "feminista radical", como algunas personas quieren llamar a esos grupos minoritarios que defienden la supremacía de las mujeres sobre los hombres (otro término desafortunado, ya que el "feminismo radical" significa algo completamente diferente) -, entonces están usando el término incorrecto, porque eso no es a lo que se dedica el feminismo, para nada. Los movimientos feministas van acompañados de un gran número de ideas equivocadas, y sufren una estigmatización no despreciable en demasiadas ocasiones, de hecho. Sin embargo, el feminismo no es nada más y nada menos que el querer que haya igualdad entre los géneros. Si alguien defiende y promociona algo que va en contra de la igualdad de cualquiera de los dos sexos, entonces esas personas desde luego que NO son "feministas".

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